Happy Pub Day! (9/10/19)

I have been looking forward to today for MONTHS. Months I tell you! There are so many new anticipated releases that came out TODAY. This is not a drill. Do not listen to the screams of your debit card telling you to put it down. Hold on to that baby for dear life because I’m going to tell you about THREE new releases that you absolutely need to have on your shelf.

The Testaments by Margaret Atwood

Synopsis (thanks to Goodreads)

In this brilliant sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale, acclaimed author Margaret Atwood answers the questions that have tantalized readers for decades.

When the van door slammed on Offred’s future at the end of The Handmaid’s Tale, readers had no way of telling what lay ahead for her—freedom, prison or death. 

With The Testaments, the wait is over. 

Margaret Atwood’s sequel picks up the story fifteen years after Offred stepped into the unknown, with the explosive testaments of three female narrators from Gilead. 

“Dear Readers: Everything you’ve ever asked me about Gilead and its inner workings is the inspiration for this book. Well, almost everything! The other inspiration is the world we’ve been living in.” —Margaret Atwood

When I found out that Atwood wrote a sequel I literally fan girl screamed. I am so freaking excited for this book.

According to Amazon The Testaments should be on my doorstep by 11 pm today!! (It is probably already on my porch and I have no idea because I am at work 😦 )

If you are as excited as I am, pick up your own copy here!

Frankly in love by david yoon

Synopsis – Brought to you by Goodreads

High school senior Frank Li is a Limbo–his term for Korean-American kids who find themselves caught between their parents’ traditional expectations and their own Southern California upbringing. His parents have one rule when it comes to romance–“Date Korean”–which proves complicated when Frank falls for Brit Means, who is smart, beautiful–and white. Fellow Limbo Joy Song is in a similar predicament, and so they make a pact: they’ll pretend to date each other in order to gain their freedom. Frank thinks it’s the perfect plan, but in the end, Frank and Joy’s fake-dating maneuver leaves him wondering if he ever really understood love–or himself–at all.

The reason I am MOST excited for this release is….David Yoon is Nicola Yoon’s husband. YES the Nicola Yoon who gave us A Sun is Also A Star. David has some big shoes to fill and I am more than confident that he will bring us teen romance goodness in this novel!

FRANKLY IN LOVE is one of the biggest YA books of the Fall so do not miss out on this offer that I am offering you today!

You can get your copy TODAY from BOTM YA (@yasofthemonth) for just $9.99 with code GROW.

Click here to get your copy!! (with code GROW)

I cannot wait to get my hands on this book from YA Book of the Month.


Audrey Rose Wadsworth and Thomas Cresswell have landed in America, a bold, brash land unlike the genteel streets of London they knew. But like London, the city of Chicago hides its dark secrets well. When the two attend the spectacular World’s Fair, they find the once-in-a-lifetime event tainted with reports of missing people and unsolved murders.

Determined to help, Audrey Rose and Thomas begin their investigations, only to find themselves facing a serial killer unlike any they’ve heard of before. Identifying him is one thing, but capturing him—and getting dangerously lost in the infamous Murder Hotel he constructed as a terrifying torture device—is another.

Will Audrey Rose and Thomas see their last mystery to the end—together and in love—or will their fortunes finally run out when their most depraved adversary makes one final, devastating kill?

Guys…It is the FINAL book in the Stalking Jack the Ripper series and I just cannot believe it is gong to be over 😭😭

I love Audrey and Thomas and I cannot wait to read the final installment to their story.

Order your copy today!

Do you plan on reading any of these new releases? Or are you looking forward to something out releasing today? Talk to me in the comments ❤

XOXO, Shannon

Book Review: Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco

It has been awhile since I’ve done a book review so bear with me…

Book Title: Stalking Jack the Ripper

Author: Kerri Maniscalco

Length: 318

Began Reading: December 22, 2017

Finished Reading: January 13, 2018

Rating: 4/5 stars

Favorite Character: Audrey Rose Wadsworth (of course)

Least Favorite Character(s): Superintendent Blackburn and Lord Edmund Wadsworth

Stalking Jack the Ripper cover

Warning Spoilers are ahead! 

I picked up this book months ago for a few reasons:

  1. I recognized it at the bookstore from bookstagram (yes I realize that is a bad habit and I will end up with millions of books this way).
  2. James Patterson is the publisher
  3. Who doesn’t love Jack the Ripper?

Right off the bat, I fell in love with Audrey Rose and her spunky personality. She is a wonderful lead female character who doesn’t let society or her family influence her decisions which is BIG considering the time period this takes place.

Before I say anything else…THOMAS CRESSWELL. If it wasn’t for bad boy super flirt Thomas Cresswell, I am not sure if I would have made it through the middle of the book. That’s not because I didn’t like the middle of the plot its just I knew what was coming and I wanted it. Maniscalco tried keeping her readers in suspense by getting rid of the killing while Audrey’s father was out in the country, but I just found that part lacking suspense. But, Thomas Cresswell drove me forward because I wanted to know how their relationship was going to continue to grow.

I am 110% without a doubt on Team Cresswell. Why can’t all boys be dark and gloomy and romantic and mysterious like he is? Hands down my new fictional crush.

I was convinced at several points during this novel that I knew who Jack the Ripper was. I was always wrong. I had three characters that I kept switching between Thomas Cresswell, Superintendent Blackburn, and Lord Wadsworth. I NEVER would have guessed or even suspected her brother. Like, I am still not over it. He kept their DEAD mother in their house for YEARS and killed the scum of London for their organs to try to bring her back to life. I can’t even begin to explain how messed up this is, but I loved it. I just feel so bad for Audrey because not only did she lose her mother years ago, she had to basically go through all of that pain again by seeing her dead mother’s corpse being poked and prodded at. Now, she is motherless and brotherless.

I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars because of how much I struggled to continue to read it in the middle but ranked it highly because I was not able to figure out the ending and I was surprised at the end. I will be buying the next installment of the series: Hunting Prince Dracula.

Until next time,

Shannon xx

Bookstagram and Life Update!

Hey there, Wormies!

I have some super exciting news! I have almost reached 100 followers on my bookstagram!


I don’t think I am going to do anything when I reach 100 followers. I just think it is very exciting. I started Bookstagramming in September of last year so I think this is great progress.  I would probably gain more followers quicker if I posted more often than I do, but it is hard for me to remember to take a picture worthy of bookstagram.

Besides my bookstagram account approaching 100 nothing is really happening right now. We are getting a lot of snow and cold right now where I live so I try to stay warm and in bed as much as possible.

I finally finished reading Stalking Jack the Ripper and I am working on my book review right now. I don’t want to talk about my thoughts on the book too much in this post but I will say I am so glad I didn’t give up on it! The ending really got me.

Today, I read a 4 page eBook online about the Harry Potter series. It is called Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash and it is by botnik. Basically, they entered the entirety of all 7 books into a predictive text keyboard and just let it predict a story. The outcome is hilarious and very entertaining. I added it to my Goodreads Read shelf and counted it towards my reading goal. I feel a little bit guilty because it was only 4 pages long, but I still read it and enjoyed it! I will link it down below if you are interested!

Right now, I am currently reading Ready Player One by Ernest Cline and I have to say it is amazing.

Ready Player One cover

The movie is going to come out in theaters on my birthday this year! If the book continues to keep my attention like it has so far, I am sure it will be a fantastic movie.

What are you reading this week?

As always, leave me a comment below and let me know whats going on in your life. I love hearing from you wormies 🙂

Until next time,

Shannon xx

PS Here’s the link to the Harry Potter eBook: Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked like a Large Pile of Ash